Slithering and Hopping

Nature Heroes - Amphibians and Reptiles
Snakes slither on their bellies. The small rounded scales they have on their back and large wide scales across their stomach help them slither quickly and efficiently across the ground. Frogs can hop a long distance in a single jump using their hind legs to thrust, launching forward. They do this by stretching the tendons in their legs, which snap back in place in a spring-loaded motion.
Part 1: Slither like a Snake, Hop like a Frog
You will need:
- Clothes that are okay to dirty (as this activity might make your clothes dirty)
- Pylons or similar obstacles that can be found around the house
- Find a flat floor surface or flat stretch of ground outside, if the weather permits.
- Make sure the clothes you are wearing are not new clothes. Your clothes may get dirty as you squirm on the floor or ground.
- Squirm like a snake. Stretch out on your tummy on the floor with arms out in front. Then squirm and wiggle like a snake. Hiss like a snake as you slither - “Sssssss”. See how far you can slither.
- Next, hop like a frog. Place your feet on the floor, in a deep squat position with both your hands touching the floor. Then, push your legs from the ground and leap into the air, jumping as far as you can. Use your arms as leverage on the leap. And don’t forget to say “Ribbit!” like a frog when you make the jump. See how far you can hop along.
- Next, you can level up the activity by placing obstacle items along your path. Try to squirm and wiggle like a snake and hop like a frog around the obstacles that you placed on the floor or ground, without touching or bumping into them.
Part 2: Predator Snake vs. Frog Prey Game
Snakes are predators who eat frogs. Frogs can quickly escape their predators by using their powerful hind legs for jumping. Sometimes snakes will hide and wait to ambush their prey while other times they are quick, active hunters! You will need at least 3 people to complete this activity. This game is just like tag, with a few fun rules to learn more about reptiles and amphibians.
You will need:
- Clothes that are okay to dirty (as this activity may make your clothes dirty)
- Chairs or floor mat to use as your safe spot (lily pad)
- Identify a safe spot (chairs or floor mats) inside or outside, if the weather permits, to be the lily pad for the frogs. Pick boundaries to make a small area for your game.
- Make sure the clothes you are wearing are not new clothes. Your clothes may get dirty as you do this activity on the floor or ground.
- Decide among your group of friends who will start as the snake and who will be the frogs. The snake will slither on their belly and try to eat (tag) the frogs, who will be hopping like frogs.
- Ready, set, go! Frogs can jump onto the lily pad (safe spot) but only remain there for 5 seconds at a time. Frogs must count their 5 second safety out loud - “1, 2, 3, 4, 5” - and then must hop off the lily pad for at least 5 hops before being allowed to return to the safe lily pad.
- Once a frog is tagged (pretend eaten) by the snake, they will become part of the snake by holding on to the ankles of the person who is the snake. These friends will now squirm together on the floor as one snake. Each person in the snake train can reach out a hand (as long as one hand is still on the ankle of the person in front) to tag a frog.
- The game will last until all the frogs have been eaten and there is one big slithering snake. Once that happens, you can start all over again with a new person starting as the snake!
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