Building Connections: Birds and Volunteer-based Monitoring in Canada

Recording Now Available
Citizen Science Presentation
Building Connections: Birds and Volunteer-based Monitoring in Canada
With Jody Allair from Birds Canada:
This presentation will provide an overview of the bird-focused volunteer-based monitoring (Citizen Science) landscape in Canada and highlight several different categories of programs that we employ at Birds Canada. These programs help researchers collect vast amounts of high quality data to help understand and conserve birds. If designed properly they can also give people a glimpse into the scientific process and make it accessible. Beyond just the data, engaging volunteer-based monitoring programs can help build connections to the subject matter, bridging the disconnect from nature, and create a community of engaged volunteers.
Bio: Jody is an avid birder and naturalist who enjoys sharing his enthusiasm for the natural world. He is the Director of Community Engagement at Birds Canada where he is the co-editor of BirdWatch Canada Magazine, producer of the Warblers Podcast and a coordinator of eBird Canada. Jody delivers various education and outreach programs to audiences across Canada and has written numerous articles on birds, birding and connecting with nature. He has appeared on CBC’s Rick Mercer Report, presented at Ideacity, was a featured bird expert on Season 2 of the Love Nature Television series Battle of the Alphas and is a regular guest on the American Birding Association podcast. In addition to his work at Birds Canada, he also leads national and international birding tours with Eagle-Eye Tours.
Watch on YouTube here: