Our Mission
"To be a strong voice and an active champion for the greater appreciation and conservation of Alberta’s natural environment."
Alberta’s natural heritage is widely enjoyed, deeply appreciated and thoroughly protected.
To achieve our mission, Nature Alberta:
- helps Albertans increase their knowledge and appreciation of Alberta’s native species and natural ecosystems;
- supports and promotes the activities of our member clubs and serves as an integrating hub for the network;
- promotes the formation of new natural history clubs throughout the province; and
- provides a unified voice for naturalists on conservation issues.

A Community Connected By a Love of Nature
In 1970, six natural history clubs from across the province joined together to form the Federation of Alberta Naturalists. Known today as Nature Alberta, we serve a membership of over 40 clubs representing thousands of individuals, every one sharing a passion for nature.
What We Do
Nature Alberta’s programs have evolved over the years. Our current focus is on helping Albertans learn about, experience, and protect our native wildlife and ecosystems. We reach out to the public through our quarterly magazine, website, e-Newsletters, and social media streams. We also have an active outreach program that includes our popular Nature Kids program, our Urban Nature Initiative, and interpretive outings and events. In collaboration with our clubs we also host a Nature Network that promotes nature education and stewardship across the province.