Bird Focus Group Walks

Blue-winged Teal

Bird Focus with Chris Olsen

Outings start at 10:00 AM unless otherwise noted.  Birders of all skill levels are welcome! Navigation: Use the Alberta Discover Guide, the Birding Trails Alberta website or your favorite mapping app. Call Chris (780-581-4430) if you have questions or potential medical issues.

Participants are encouraged to carpool, but you are responsible for your own arrangements.
Safety: Wear sturdy, water resistant hiking footwear. Some trails are on rough or steep terrain. Dress appropriately, and carry water and a snack.

December 2 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Location: River Bend Golf & Recreation Area – Perimeter Trail

Meet: In the main parking lot

December 9 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Location: Gaetz Lake Migratory Bird Sanctuary

Meet: Inside the Kerry Wood Nature Centre

This will be the last scheduled walk for the season. Coffee and treats to follow (about 1:00 p.m.) at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre. We’ll use this opportunity to debrief our season, so even if you can’t make the walk, try and come out to enjoy the group and to share your feedback and ideas/suggestions for next year.

All are welcome, you do not have to be a RDRN member to attend.

Bring your binoculars* and camera/phone. Wear layers and sturdy hiking footwear, water resistant with ice cleats as required by conditions. Some trails are on rough terrain. Distances vary, but may be up to 5 kms. Carry water and an energy snack. Let Chris know if you have any potential medical issues.

*RDRN have two birding binoculars that can be borrowed (first come, first served) by new participants. Binoculars courtesy of a City of Red Deer Community Better ParticipACTION grant

Trip schedule details and updates are posted on the RDRN website “Calendar of Events.

December 17 @ 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Join other Central Alberta Birdwatchers by participating in the longest running and most important bird census in the world.

Print a copy of the Christmas Bird Count Tally Sheet, choose a place to count the birds (map and instructions under Programs).

Please register where you will be counting with Judy Boyd (403-358-1098) so there will be no duplication of counts.

Tally sheets must be received by December 29th. You may drop sheets off (Attn: Judy Boyd) at Kerry Wood Nature Centre 6300 – 45 Avenue Red Deer, AB T4N 3M4 or mail to RDRN Box 785 Red Deer, AB T4N 5H2, or email to, put “CBC” in the subject line.