Preserving Our Natural Environment: Celebrating the Centennial of the Edmonton Nature Club


Edited by: Brian Hitchon
Foreward by: John Acorn

Alberta was established in 1905. Only two years later, the predecessor of the Edmonton Nature Club was founded. For more than a century, naturalists have been active in the Edmonton area. This group was established to:
– Educate members and the general public
– Learn about nature
– Protect natural spaces and species.

This book describes the history of the Edmonton Nature Club; its involvement in the community, the cooperative partnerships it has maintained with like-minded organizations, its contributions to provincial knowledge about biodiversity, and its efforts to conserve and create natural areas. In this book you will:
– Read about natural areas around Edmonton that have been created and maintained with club support,
– Learn how to participate in the Christmas Bird Count, the annual Snow Goose Chase, and other natural history events, and
– Understand more about nature in and around Edmonton.
