Casino Volunteers Needed in Edmonton 2022

Great Horned Owls by Gerald Romanchuk
Nature Alberta CASINO
Sat, Aug 27 & Sun, Aug 28, 2022
Starlight Casino | West Edmonton Mall | 8882 170 St NW #2710
Volunteer for a shift that has big impacts on Nature Alberta's budget! Our Casino Funds support our efforts to publish the Nature Alberta Magazine and run our Nature Kids program.
Update: Thanks to everyone who has signed up for a shift, we're nearly full! But we need your help to fill the remaining shifts and a few backups in case others are unable to make it to their shift.
Please contact Nature Alberta's Casino Chair, Jaynne Carre, at or (780) 710-9051 to volunteer.
Volunteer roles include:
- chip runner - The chip runner opens and closes tables, delivers chip fills from the banker to game tables, delivers credits from game tables to the banker and may assist the general manager with other duties.
- count room:
- sorter - Sorts all cash or chips by denomination
- counter - Counts the sorted cash or chips, by denomination
- recorder - Records the number of bills, coins, and chips counted
- amalgamator - Verifies the cash or chips counted and groups them into bundles and summarizes the cash
and chips with the count room supervisor
No previous experience is necessary. Casino Volunteers must be a minimum of 18 years of age.
More info on roles:
- You sort, count, verify and amalgamate cash from drop boxes.
- Two of these positions involve using money counting machines.
- You should be good working with your hands.
- You redeem players' chips and make change (you do not sell chips).
- You will be required to follow defined pay out procedures that you will learn at the casino.
- You have your own float -- you do not share your cash/chip float with anybody.
- Cash-handling experience is an asset, but not necessary.
- The cashier's job requires concentration and accuracy.
- Casino chips are colour coded according to denomination. You may wish to choose another volunteer position if you are colour blind.
- You deliver casino chips to the casino table games.
- You should be able to physically transport casino chips (weighing up to 3 kg) to the table games.
- When delivering chips, you will always be accompanied to the table games by a casino security guard or a casino manager.
- Your other job is to verify the chip count at each table game, when tables are opened or closed throughout the day.
- You use a very simple mini-computer to complete your transactions.
- You are not usually too busy except at the opening and closing of the casino day.