
Battling Lethal Bacteria in Wild Bighorn Sheep

By Nature Kids / 5 July 2024


Bighorn sheep face conservation challenges when it comes to the spread of disease.

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The Black Bear

By Nature Kids / 22 April 2024

“Question: What kind of bear is best?” Jim and Dwight from The Office have their opinions, but you can make up your own mind with the rundown on Alberta’s black bears in the Spring issue of Nature Alberta Magazine!

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Coexisting With Coyotes

By Susan / 23 January 2024

What ten years’ worth of close encounters with urban coyotes tell us about coexisting with these wily canines.

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Fade to Black: Melanism in Mammals

By Nature Kids / 14 July 2023


Black colouration, referred to as melanism, occurs in almost all mammals. This is no surprise when it comes to black bears and skunks. But there are also reports of black Richardson’s ground squirrels, red foxes, white-tailed deer, bobcats, and even snowshoe hares. And of course, wolves. The processes underlying these variations in colouration are quite interesting.

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Five Things I Learned from Squirrels

By Steph Weizenbach / 7 July 2023

I spent several years working on red squirrels with the Kluane Red Squirrel Project based in the Yukon. Living and working in such a beautiful, remote place was thrilling, but what surprised me was how much I fell in love with red squirrels. They taught me a lot, and I would like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned.

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Deadly Fungus Adds to Bat Conservation Concerns

By Nature Kids / 11 April 2023


While bats have a remarkable ability to manage energy reserves, only a few can withstand the devastating impacts of white-nose syndrome (WNS), a disease caused by a fungus, Pseudogymnoascus destructans, that grows on bats during hibernation, which will lead to more frequent arousals during the winter, depletion of energy stores, and eventual starvation.

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The Long and Winding Road to Caribou Recovery in Alberta

By Steph Weizenbach / 27 March 2023

Recorded Presentation
Speaker: Dr. Richard Schneider
Host: Nature Alberta

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Delta Dawn with the Wolves of Wood Buffalo National Park

By Rick Schneider / 13 January 2023


Wood Buffalo National Park was established in 1922 to protect what remained of Canada’s wood bison. Today, exactly 100 years later, the park supports a population of approximately 3,000 bison, which coexist alongside their natural predator, the wolf. The core range of the park is quite possibly the only place where bison are wolves’ primary prey.

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Action for an Icon

By Steph Weizenbach / 13 January 2023


Why do Alberta’s Caribou Keep Declining, and What Can We Do About It?

Despite the woodland caribou’s high profile and the millions of dollars we’ve poured into research, the caribou’s story is one of progressive decline. Here, Richard explores the key challenges that make caribou conservation so difficult and provides an unvarnished perspective on what needs to change.

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Citizen Scientists Come to the Aid of the Tenacious Franklin’s Ground Squirrel

By Rick Schneider / 11 January 2023


In Alberta, the status of Franklin’s ground squirrel has still not been determined. The provincial government maintains that there is not enough information to say whether the population is stable or imperiled. In the spring of 2022, Nature Alberta initiated a citizen science project to help fill some of the data gaps. The results are presented here.

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