Let’s Talk Water

Nature Lethbridge Guest Speaker March 2024
Where does Southern Alberta get its water from? What is it used for? What does the future hold for users when water supply is limited? Why is this an important topic not just for today, but for the generations to come?
The presentation will be held at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre community room, located in the Lethbridge river valley at the north end of Indian Battle Road South.
When: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 | 7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Where: Helen Schuler Nature Centre | 300 Indian Battle Road, Lethbridge, AB
Nature Lethbridge is offering to join this event via zoom. Please use the following link to access the presentation: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83013061477pwd=MiwgRi2sX0D50Kcc14Fo5BaDWTulGU.1
For more information, please visit Nature Lethbridge website.