Native Plant Garden Challenge

Take Part in Alberta Native Plant Council's (ANPC) Native Plant Garden Challenge! Started in 2021, this program now runs every spring through fall as a community resource to encourage Albertans to dedicate even just a small patch of their garden (1 m by 1 m) to native plant pollinator habitat. Become a member of the ANPC to access a plethora of resources pertaining to the challenge and join a community network here.

Participants receive:

  • a Toolkit with information on creating and maintaining a native plant pollinator garden
  • access to a private Facebook group
  • opportunities to share and meet up virtually
  • printable signs for display in your garden
  • help and advice if needed

March: Registration opens
March – May: Plan and Prepare
May Long Weekend: Start Planting
First of each Month: Share Your Yard
Sep-Nov: Collect Your Seeds/Seed Share Events/Plant more seeds
Winter Wrap Up: Stories/Share Events posted on social media

For more information, please visit: ANPC website.