Make a Butterfly Feeder

Butterfly Feeder
Butterflies feeding on cut fruit. READING CONFETTI

Attract these beautiful pollinators to your garden, and supplement their diet with fresh cut fruit!

You will need:

· a plastic lid or planter saucer

· hole puncher

· yarn or wire (the wire is sturdier and won’t fray but if you don’t have any, yarn will do)

· beads

· old fruit

· scissors

Let's go! 

  1. Take the hole puncher and put four holes in your lid or saucer along the sides, evenly spaced. Poke a few small holes with some scissors  in the middle of the lid so rain water can drain out if needed.
  2. Cut four pieces of yarn or wire of equal length. Tie one end of the yarn or wire through the holes in the lid.
  3. Add many colourful beads on each piece of yarn or wire to make your feeder look beautiful just like the butterflies that will use it.
  4. Once you have added as many beads as you’d like, tie all the yarn or wire pieces together.
  5. Cut up some old fruit that you no longer want to eat and add it to your butterfly feeder.
  6. Find a nice place to hang your feeder. Cut a long piece of yarn or wire and tie it to the other strings. Use this piece to hang the feeder.
  7. Now wait and watch to see what sort of lovely critters show up!

Check out the original post on Reading Confetti.

Butterfly Feeder Craft
The completed butterfly feeder craft. READING CONFETTI

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Nature Alberta acknowledges that the land we know as Alberta resides within Treaties 6, 7, and 8, as well as portions of Treaties 4 and 10, and is the ancestral and traditional territory of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Peoples. We have a responsibility to care for these lands and waters, and to honour the history and culture of those who have been here for generations.

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