Supper and Saw-whets at the Beaverhill Bird Observatory

Enjoy a delicious supper and saw-whet owl banding at the Beaverhill Bird Observatory!
The return of the beloved Supper and Saw-whets is finally here!
Celebrate the return of Saw-whet Owl migration at the Beaverhill Bird Observatory while enjoying an environmentally friendly meal in the woods! A variety of delicious vegetarian dishes will be available for dinner, along with grilled vegetables and baked goodies. After dinner get the chance to walk the net lanes with our biologists, see live owls being banded up close and personal*, and learn about our feathered friends. Species captured include Northern Saw-whet Owls and possibly Long-eared Owls.
Dinner will be served from 5 pm - 7:30 pm
Mist netting occurring from 7:45 pm - 1:45 am
TICKET PRICES (website fees included in price)
Adult: $50 each
Youth (6-16 years): $15 each
Children 5 years and under: Free
For more information and to buy tickets, go to