Landscape Photography
You might think that landscape photography is easier than wildlife photography, given that landscapes are everywhere and they don't go flitting away just as you are about to press the shutter. In fact, it’s generally harder to take an outstanding landscape photo than an outstanding wildlife photo. Whereas almost all wildlife species have intrinsic appeal, the same cannot be said of all landscapes. Many are mundane. And when you do encounter something special, capturing the essence of the scene in the small rectangle of your viewfinder is far from easy.
The point is that great landscape photos rarely occur by chance, they require effort. Part of the effort involves spending time in nature, on the lookout for scenes (large or small) that are striking in some way. Again, this is what makes nature photography such a great hobby. Besides getting you outdoors, it encourages you to look at your surroundings more carefully than you otherwise might. Effort is also needed to make the most of a promising scene. Going from good to outstanding requires attention to sharpness, lighting, and composition, which we will discuss in turn.