Alberta Native Bee Council AGM & Bee Forum

The Alberta Native Bee Council is celebrating their 5th anniversary in style! Please join them.
Tentative schedule:
Friday October 21, 2022, 7-9pm
Mixer at Elite Brewing Co., Calgary, Alberta. Food and beverages not included in admission.
Saturday, October 22, 2022, 8:45am-3:45pm
1531 21 Ave NW, Calgary
Registration 8:45-9:00am
Programme begins at 9:00am
Keynote speaker 9:05-10:00am (TBA)
Academic sessions 10:00-11:30am
Break 11:30-11:40am
AGM 11:40am-12:30pm
Catered lunch (included in admission ticket) 12:30-1:15pm
Presentation by Bee Nest Detecting K-9 1:15-1:35pm
Presentations on ANBC projects 1:35-2:50pm
Break 2:50-3:00pm
Bumbleship project 3:00-3:20pm
TBA 3:20-3:40pm
Adjournment & Closing Remarks 3:40-345pm
Registration for this event is $55, and includes a membership for the upcoming year. Multiyear members receive a discount to attend this event. Contact if you have not received your discount code by email.
Registration closes at midnight on Monday, October 17.
For more information and to register, visit