Posts by Steph Weizenbach
Alberta’s “Other” Woodpeckers
Alberta is rich in woodpeckers, from common backyard visitors like the little downy woodpecker to the crow-sized pileated woodpecker with its flaming crest and manic voice. But there are a couple of interesting species that often get overlooked.
Does Going Green Put Wildlife in the Red?
There is no question we need to transition from fossil fuels to alternate energy sources. It’s hard to find a species in Alberta not affected by climate change. But we shouldn’t be blind to the issues renewable energy solutions can cause to wildlife and their habitats.
Bad But Beautiful
The Lakota people called them “mako sica,” or “bad lands.” French trappers and traders had the same opinion and called them “les mauvaises terres à traverser” — “bad lands to cross.” Since then, the term “badlands” has stuck.
Tree Planting for Biodiversity
Thurs, June 8 at 6 PM
Rundle Park in Edmonton
Pond Dipping
Everything you need to know to go pond dipping with your family.
Read MoreBug Scavenger Hunt
Go on a Bug Scavenger Hunt in your own backyard!
Read MoreBee Bombs
Bees are important to us because they pollinate plants in nature, farmers fields, and even in our vegetable gardens. You can help the bees with this fun activity!
Read MoreJourney of a Seed
Follow these steps to test the germination rate of your seeds to decide how many seeds to plant.
Read MoreNature Kids Activi-trees
Watch the Root for Trees Video and then test out these Activi-trees to learn about transpiration and insects in your own backyard!
Read MoreSpecial Course – Basics in Bird Field Identification with Dr. Lu Carbyn
Sun, May 7 – lecture at Wild Birds Unlimited in Edmonton
Sat, May 13 or May 20 – guided field trip at Lu Carbyn Nature Sanctuary