BLESS – Call to Action

Barn swallow. BARRY PHIPPS
Join Nature Alberta member club, Big Lake Environment Support Society, in their call to action!
Your voice is needed to repeal the draft borrowing bylaw for $20.8 million aimed at the development of Millennium Park.
The proposed design for Millennium Park threatens to remove 56% of the trees and most of the wetlands along the beautiful Sturgeon River, from St. Albert Place to the railway bridge.
Signatories must be over the age of 18 and a resident of St. Albert. Signatures must be witnessed and locations are currently being set up. The initiative urgently needs volunteers to assist. If you can help, please contact the petition organizers at
- 8000 signatures are required by March 29, 2024.
- The borrowing bylaw goes for 2nd and 3rd reading on April 2, 2024.
Your involvement can make a difference! Sign up now to support the preservation of our environment and safeguard the future of Millennium Park.
For more information and to sign the petition, visit SPECIAL BLESS NEWSLETTER ON THE MILLENNIUM PARK ISSUE.