Weed Pulls with Edmonton Area Land Trust


The Edmonton and Area Land Trust is hosting various weed pulling events this August. For the full details on each of these hands-on events, visit ealt.ca/get-involved/events.

August 10 at 10:00 am - Weeding the Pollinator Garden at Smith-Blackburn Homestead

The Smith-Blackburn Homestead is a unique property located just east of Elk Island National Park. Home to many species of wildlife, there is also an established pollinator garden that is under pressure from invasive weeds. In order to help the pollinators the garden was established for, we need some help reducing the presence of invasive plants. We will also be replacing the tarps lining the garden edge, which help reduce invasive plants and grasses entering the garden.

This event will be focusing on removing the white cockle, thistle, and other weeds that have found their way into and around the garden. We will meet promptly at 10:00 am at the land.

What to wear and bring:

  • comfortable footwear
  • long sleeves and jeans (to protect against thistle)
  • layers for the conditions
  • a lunch

Click here to sign up. Email Meghan Jacklin at meghan.jacklin@ealt.ca with any questions about this event.

August 16 at 9:30 am - Bataille contre la Bardane à Glory Hills (Francophone Event)

Cet événement se déroulera en français pour les francophones et les étudiants de la langue française. Cet événement est en collaboration avec l’Alliance Française.

La terre protégéé de Glory Hills (maskihkîy meskanaw) est un refuge pour la faune, situé juste à l'ouest de la ville d'Edmonton. Un lac, une forêt et des prairies accueillent des cerfs, des orignaux et des oiseaux de toutes sortes. Grâce au travail de nos intendants des terres protégées et de nos bénévoles, le nombre de plantes envahissantes à Glory Hills a considérablement diminué. Lors de cet événement, alors que les plantes sont encore jeunes et plus faciles à arracher, nous enlèverons autant de bardanes que possible afin de créer un meilleur habitat pour tous.

Nous commencerons la journée à 10h00 précises avec une réunion de sécurité et de formation pour passer en revue nos tâches et notre planning ainsi que les dangers associés et les mesures de sécurité avant de nous rendre sur le terrain. Portez des chaussures appropriées et des pantalons longs. Apportez un déjeuner, de l'eau et, si vous le souhaitez, un appareil photo ou des jumelles. Si vous avez vos propres gants, nous vous recommandons de les apporter, sinon des outils et des gants seront fournis. Des informations supplémentaires vous seront envoyées quelques jours avant l'événement.

Pour plus d’informations, visitez le site Web d’EALT.

Cliquez ici pour vous inscrire.

August 17 at 9:30 am - Restoration by the North Saskatchewan River

A newly secured land is in need of some assistance! This parcel of land lies along the bank of the North Saskatchewan River, upstream from Big Island Provincial Park in an Environmentally Significant Area. Over the next few years we aim to restore the environmental health of the area, and you can help out by joining us for a day of restoration. At this event we will be stabilizing and planting trees on a loose hill to prevent erosion .

We will meet on location promptly at 9:30 AM, and leave the site by 2:30 PM. The worksite location will be shared with registrants well in advance of the event. We are not advertising the location yet, as we still have a lot of foundational work to do before opening the site fully to the public. The land is in the general vicinity of Bunchberry Meadows, and takes roughly 40 minutes to get to from west Edmonton.

Wear appropriate footwear and long pants, and bring a lunch, water, and a camera or binoculars if you'd like. If you have your own gloves to bring we recommend that you do so, but otherwise tools and gloves will be provided. Additional information will be sent to you several days in advance of the event.

For more information visit EALT's website here.

Click here to sign up. Email Meghan Jacklin at meghan.jacklin@ealt.ca with any questions about this event.