Education and Program Coordinator

Red Deer River Naturalists are hiring an Education and Program Coordinator.

January 1, 2023 to September 15, 2023: 37 weeks/16 hrs per week @$26/hr

Job Description:
Under the direction and supervision of the RDRN Engagement Committee:
- promote the Nature Central program
- promote the Habitat Steward program
- develop and lead outdoor education/engagement programming that supports the RDRN strategic plan
- lead at least one outdoor event at a rural protected area each month
- promote RDRN and RDRN events/activities to the wider community
- conduct other educational programming as directed
- assist with content management and maintenance of the Nature Central website
- post regular Nature Central-related updates on social media
- assist with content management/updating the ArcGIS Story Map
- encourage public input (stories, data, observations, images, video footage) related to protected areas
- assist with the documentation and delivery of Habitat Steward signs assist with grant writing

Please send resumes and inquiries to Application Deadline: November 30, 2022