Great Backyard Bird Count

Black-capped Chickadee by Gerald Romanchuk

Friday, February 14th - Monday, February 16th 2025

The Great Backyard Bird Count is an event everyone can participate in! Participate in 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Pick somewhere to watch birds - birds are everywhere. You only need to count birds for 15 minutes so even counting pigeons from your high rise apartment window will do. Watch your bird feeders in your yard, or head out to your favourite place to connect with nature.

Step 2: Count birds for 15 minutes or more, at least once in the four day event Feb 16 - 19.

If you are new to birding, try the Merlin Bird ID App to assist you in identifying  the birds you see.

Step 3: Enter your birding list on eBird.

More information, including step by step instructions to use Merlin and eBird, is available on the Great Backyard Bird Count website here: