Nature Calgary Field Trip Leaders Wanted

We have a very good field trip program with more than 600 participants joining over 100 outings each year. There are over 400 members yet, over the past couple of years, only about 20 individuals have stepped forward to lead a field trip(s).
We would like to recruit a few more members to add their name to the roster of trip leaders. In most cases, it is nothing more than inviting others to join you on a birding or botany walk.
You can find more information on becoming a field trip leader on our website.
It would be great to see a wide variety of trips, perhaps along the lines of: photography, geology, bees, butterflies, insects.
We all owe our thanks to the members who are willing to coordinate one or more field outings. If you have any questions, or would like to become a field trip leader please contact:
Howard Heffler
Nature Calgary Field Trip Coordinator
Cell: 403- 804-2489