RDRN April Speaker of the Month

You are all invited to an evening with Dr. Glynnis Hood where she will discuss the remarkable world of the second-largest rodent on Earth under the topic, ‘Can Beaver Turn Parachutes into Umbrellas?’.
The Red Deer River Naturalists’ (RDRN) April Speaker of the Month is on April 27, 2023, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Kerry Wood Nature Centre (Theatre room), Red Deer, Alberta.
About the Speaker: Dr. Hood is an Ecologist, Vice Dean, and Professor of Environmental Science at the University of Alberta’s Augustana Campus in Camrose.
You can also enjoy non-alcohol wine and cheese sponsored by Creative Landscape & Design at the event.
For more information please email rdrn.nature@gmail.com or call 403-347-8200.