Rocky Mountains

Bighorn sheep
Bighorn sheep

Alberta is a great place to live. It’s a big beautiful province full of all kinds of natural wonders. This is where we introduce you to the diversity of wildlife and unique and interesting wild spaces that are part of your Big Alberta Backyard. Here you will learn about the Rocky Mountains of Alberta.

What are the Rocky Mountains?

The Rocky Mountains of Alberta are one of six natural regions that exist in this province. These mountains stretch across the western part of Alberta.

The Rocky Mountains are huge land formations that were formed millions and millions of years ago when the earth moved and shifted. They have many peaks and valleys where many different types of biodiversity lives. There are many beautiful, clear lakes that are created by the melting of glaciers. These mountains are a popular place for people to visit. People come from all over the world to bike, hike, camp, climb, and fish in these areas.

Why are the Rocky Mountains important?

Within the Rocky Mountains in Alberta there are three national parks; Banff National Park, Jasper National Park, and Waterton Lakes National Park.

Banff National Park is a very special park because not only is it incredibly beautiful and home to many species, it is also Canada’s very first National Park. It was established and designated a protected area in 1885. The reason it became a protected area was the discovery of the Cave and Basin Hot Springs. These hot springs were used to attract people to the area and when visitors saw how beautiful and important the area was, Albertans worked hard to protect it. It has become what it is today through the efforts of many people who realized how important these natural areas are for all the diversity that exists within them. Banff National Park is also designated a World Heritage Site, which means it is a place of special significance.

What lives in the Rocky Mountains?

Living in the Rocky Mountains isn’t easy and it takes special types of animals and plants to make their home way up where the temperatures are colder and the elevation is high. For example, there is a special kind of lichen that lives in the Rocky Mountains called Sugared Sunburst. This lichen has adapted to be good at living in areas that are very high up and areas where there isn’t much but rock! This lichen adheres to rock and can withstand strong winds without being blown from its rocky habitat.

Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep have also found many ways to make living in the pointy Rocky Mountains a little easier. They have hooves that are split and have grip which helps them balance on the ledges of the Rockies. They also have very good vision which helps them to navigate around in this area without falling.

The Rocky Mountains of Alberta are extraordinary and we hope that you all get a chance to visit them someday!

Happy Exploring!!

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