Volunteer with ANPC

Indian paintbrush. RICK SCHNEIDER
If you are passionate about native plants, ecosystems and their long-term sustainability then the Alberta Native Plant Council (ANPC) Society wants you!
ANPC is a volunteer led and run organization with elected and non-elected positions, as well as special projects. ANPC volunteers provide crucial support to the ANPC as it works to advance the understanding of native plants and ecosystems in Alberta.
Board of Director’s Positions
- Northwest Alberta Director
No experience as a botanist or Board member is required, as we have an amazing orientation/onboarding/leadership program.
Director terms are two years. The role involves attending monthly meetings (2.5 hours/meeting) September to April plus time for any other ANPC activity that you want to pursue. You must be an ANPC member in good standing to be elected to the board.
ANPC also have several non elected positions that are vacant:
- Membership Secretary Assistant
- ANPC booth representatives at events
- Grant Committee Co-Chair and members
- Northern Alberta Plant Study Group Coordinator (Fort McMurray)
- Student Bursary Committee member
If you are interested in learning more, please contact ANPC at volunteer@anpc.ab.ca.
For more information, visit ANPC Volunteer Opportunities!