Ways to Donate
Nature Alberta is incorporated as the Federation of Alberta Naturalists under the Alberta Societies Act and is a registered charitable organization (Registered Charity #118913896 RR0001). By donating, you are supporting 50 grassroots nature organizations that make up our nature network; you are connecting hundreds of parents and kids to nature at our Nature Kids events; you are making nature knowledge accessible through our Nature Alberta Magazine; you are protecting our wild species and space by being a strong voice for the greater conservation of nature in Alberta. All forms of donations directly support our mission and are greatly appreciated.
Donate Online
You can donate through our online CanadaHelps form with many options to customize your donation including: one-time donation, monthly donations, dedicated donations in honour or memory of a loved one. Donate here.
Donate Monthly
Show your love of nature all year round by becoming a monthly donor! Small monthly donations are easy on your budget, but add up to a big impact. Select the "Donate Monthly" tab under 'Donation Details' on our CanadaHelps donation form to set up a monthly donation amount. Donate monthly here.
Endowment Fund
The Nature Alberta Endowment fund is held by the Edmonton Community Foundation. Contributions are invested to generate a stable source of revenue. This stability allows us to continue our mission of promoting, conserving, and protecting Alberta’s natural heritage now and into the future. You can direct your donation to the Nature Alberta Endowment Fund through our CanadaHelps form by ensuring 'Endowment Fund' is selected in the 'Fund' drop down menu in the Donation Details. Learn more, including Frequently Asked Questions here.
Securities & Mutual Funds
A donation of securities or mutual fund shares is an efficient way to give. The capital gains tax does not apply with a donation of securities of mutual funds, increasing the impact of your giving. Learn more and set up your donation here.
Legacy Giving
Consider making Nature Alberta part of your legacy. Your donation will help us continue our mission of preserving and promoting Alberta’s natural heritage for future generations. There are many options for donating to Nature Alberta in your will including through a fixed amount, percentage gift, residue of estate, or other bequests. Learn more by visiting our Planned Giving webpage here.

Donate by Cheque
Make your cheque out to: Federation of Alberta Naturalists and mail it to:
Nature Alberta, 3rd Floor Percy Page Centre, 11759 Groat Road, Edmonton, AB T5M 3K6.

Donate by E-Transfer
Send an e-transfer to accounting@naturealberta.ca. Please include your name, mailing address, and email address in the notes of your e-transfer or in an email. This way we can send you a tax receipt and note of thanks.
Donate via ATBCares
Send a general donation through ATBCares to have your contribution matched by 20%. Visit ATBCares to learn more about how your donation is matched. These donations are separate from Nature Alberta's Endowment Fund campaign, which supports the sustainability of Nature Alberta. Donations through ATBCares will be used directly for Nature Alberta initiatives. Donate here.
Birding for Nature
Birding for Nature is an annual fundraiser hosted by Nature Alberta where you can collect pledges from loved ones to support our important work. You can set up your own Birding for Nature page to collect donations easily online and set your own birding goals and adventure to go Birding for Nature! We relaunch annually in April and go birding through August. Learn more by visiting our Birding for Nature fundraising page here.
Set up your own fundraiser on CanadaHelps for your birthday, wedding, or other special event, and select Nature Alberta to receive your donations.
You can also dedicate your donations through CanadaHelps to a loved one or in memory of a loved one by selecting “dedication preferences” in our online donation form.
Privacy Guidelines
Nature Alberta respects the privacy of its supporters and pledges to maintain a high level of financial integrity and accountability. We do not share donor information with any third parties. A copy of our privacy guidelines is available upon request.