CitSci Webinars & Workshop

Connecting People & Science

A four-part webinar series and in-person workshop

Join the Citizen Science Alberta Community of Practice (CitSci Alberta) to learn about citizen science in Alberta.

Wednesday Webinars will take place from Sept. 25th to Oct. 23rd. Learn from experts in the field of citizen science on a variety of relevant and timely topics. Following the presentation, there will be an opportunity for questions and discussion. Then, join us in Edmonton on October 30th as we bring together the citizen science community to learn, engage, network, and explore our collective impact on policy development, decision-making, and public engagement.

Who should attend?

This program is geared towards individuals and organizations engaged in, or interested in, citizen science from practitioners, researchers, and environmental managers to educators, project coordinators and volunteers.

More information on all of the events and links to register are available at