Hailstones on the ground after a storm. NOIR

What is the biggest recorded size of hail that’s ever fallen in Alberta?

5 July 2024

Hailstones can get pretty large, so what is the biggest one? Find out with Ask Stuart!

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A mallard drake showing off his fancy feet, hoping to attract the attention of a mate. ANNE COTTON.

Why are duck feet orange and Canada geese feet black?

5 July 2024

Ever wondered why there are different coloured feet on some birds? Find out with Ask Stuart!

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Acorn the Nature Nut courtesy of J ACORN

Discover “Acorn the Nature Nut”

17 June 2024

Join John Acorn on an adventure of a lifetime in episodes of “Acorn the Nature Nut”, now available on YouTube!

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A huge flock of snow geese gather on a pond in Alberta, getting ready for their trip to the Arctic tundra. LEO DE GROOT

Why are there so many snow geese around in the spring?

22 April 2024

Nature Kids! get the goods on geese, in the latest issue of Nature Alberta Magazine!

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Fluffy Canada goose goslings cuddle together in the Alberta summertime. RICHARD SCHNEIDER

How do geese spend their year?

22 April 2024

Nature Kids! get the goods on geese, in the latest issue of Nature Alberta Magazine!

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Spring is in the Air – Breeding Birds in Alberta

11 April 2024

Recorded Presentation
Speaker: Jan Wijmenga
Host: Nature Alberta

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Hoary Marmot by Tony LePrieur - The largest squirrel species in Alberta, the hoary marmot, hibernates by sleeping in a burrow all winter. TONY LEPRIEUR

What is hibernation?

20 February 2024

Hibernation is not just a deep sleep; there are different kinds including brumation, torpor, and true hibernation.

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Even on the coldest days of the year, red squirrels stay active, keeping themselves warm by cuddling up in their nests between snack breaks. TONY LEPRIEUR

What do Squirrels do in Winter?

20 February 2024

The winter survival strategies of different squirrel species in Alberta.

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A Hoot With Alberta Owls

21 November 2023

Recorded Presentation
Speaker: Stephanie Weizenbach
Host: Nature Alberta

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Why do larch trees change colour and drop their needles?

24 October 2023

Larch turns a beautiful golden yellow in autumn, but by Halloween it looks bare and spooky — just right for the season!

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Nature Alberta's 50th Anniversary


In celebration of Nature Alberta’s 50th Anniversary year, through April 2021, Individual Nature Alberta Lifetime Memberships are only $10! Nature needs our help now more than ever — and there’s never been a better time to show your support!