What is a drey?

3 October 2022

What is a drey and what does it have to do with squirrels?

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Why are bluebirds blue?

1 August 2022

The blue feathers of a bluebird are blue for a special reason!

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What is a cavity-nesting bird?

1 August 2022

Many birds make open cup nests while other birds nest in cavities. Not the same cavity as in your teeth!

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How does a seed turn into a plant & why don’t all seeds germinate?

24 April 2022

Learn how plants grow and why not all seeds germinate.

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White Sucker by Dave Fairless

What happens to fish when the pond turns to ice?

11 January 2022

Do fish still swim and eat when the lake is covered in ice? Find out with this fun fact!

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Winter Jewels by P. Marcinkoski

How do trees survive the winter without leaves?

10 January 2022

First, let’s talk about what leaves are. Leaves help trees turn sunlight into energy, but only if they are uncovered. If snow covers the leaves, they can’t make any more energy. One of the reasons some trees lose their leaves in the fall is because they won’t be able to use the leaves during the…

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Hare Leveret by Myrna Pearman

Do jackrabbits make nests like pet rabbits do?

1 August 2021

Jackrabbits are actually a type of hare and are very different from your pet rabbit. Find out how they differ.

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Why would a bird pretend to have a broken wing?

1 August 2021

Kids love to play pretend. Did you know birds pretend too? Find out why!

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web illuminated by dew drops in the morning sun
Spider Web illuminated by dew drops in the morning sun by Doris May

Are spiders born knowing how to build a web?

21 April 2021

Spider webs are amazing. Do spiders just know how to build them? Or are they taught how to spin webs?

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Swift Fox
Swift Fox by Gordon Court

Why are they called a SWIFT fox?

21 April 2021

Are swift foxes really swift?

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Nature Alberta's 50th Anniversary


In celebration of Nature Alberta’s 50th Anniversary year, through April 2021, Individual Nature Alberta Lifetime Memberships are only $10! Nature needs our help now more than ever — and there’s never been a better time to show your support!