On the Right Track

Activity 2_ On the Right Track by Arianne Cope screenshot

Nature Heroes - Mammals

Sometimes it can be hard to find wildlife tracks in your neighbourhood or community. You can make your own tracks with this fun craft and activity!

You will need:

  • An old pair of flip-flop sandals
  • Coloured craft foam 
  • Scissors 
  • Marker 
  • Hot glue gun and glue stick (you will need an adult to assist you with this) 
  • Mix & Match Tracks Activity page


  1. Take a look at the Mix & Match Tracks activity on page 3 of the Nature Heroes book and pick a set of tracks that you want to create. Note: The mammals we’ve included have four feet but because you only have two, you will only create two tracks instead of four. (Unless you have another pair of flip-flops you can use that you want to wear on your hands to make all four tracks!)
  2. Copying your chosen animal tracks, draw out two animal footprints on your foam with your marker. 
  3. Using your scissors, cut along the outline of your tracks. 
  4. Using a hot glue gun and glue stick, attach one foam track to the bottom of each of your flip-flops. Let the glue cool.
  5. Put your new flip flop tracks on your feet and take them for a walk in a damp area. Have fun making animal tracks wherever you go! Try walking and then running. Try going in a different direction. Circle back and look at all of your tracks!

Can you tell which direction you were going by looking at your tracks?


Track your progress and results in the Nature Heroes Activity Book to be sent a personalized Nature Heroes Certificate! Download the book with all 11 nature activities at naturealberta.ca/nature-kids!

This is an activity from our Nature Heroes workbook. To view and download the entire workbook of activities click here.
