
May Species Count 2024

By Steph Weizenbach / 13 May 2024

Last Weekend in May
All Across Alberta!

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The Recovery of Trumpeter Swans in Alberta

By Steph Weizenbach / 26 March 2024

Recorded Presentation
Speaker: Nick Carter
Host: Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan

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Great Backyard Bird Count

By Nature Kids / 24 December 2023

Feb 16-19

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Whooping Cranes: Step by Step, Egg by Egg, Towards Recovery

By Steph Weizenbach / 29 September 2023


The whooping crane was once widely distributed across North America, but by the 1940s, hunting and habitat loss had reduced the species to only 21 birds. Wood Buffalo National Park remains the only place in Canada where whooping cranes nest.

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Alberta’s “Other” Woodpeckers

By Steph Weizenbach / 7 July 2023

Alberta is rich in woodpeckers, from common backyard visitors like the little downy woodpecker to the crow-sized pileated woodpecker with its flaming crest and manic voice. But there are a couple of interesting species that often get overlooked.

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Great Backyard Bird Count

By Nature Kids / 16 February 2023

Feb 17 – 20

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In My Habitat: 2022 Melissa Penney

By Steph Weizenbach / 30 January 2023

Recorded Presentation
Speaker: Melissa Penney
Host: Edmonton Nature Club

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Great Backyard Bird Count – Q & A Webinar

By Nature Kids / 29 January 2023

Learn tips for making birdwatching easier for people of all ages
February 15, 1:00-2:00 pm

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Peace River Christmas Bird Count Volunteers

By Nature Kids / 8 December 2022

Dec 17, 2022


Peace River

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Why are bluebirds blue?

By Steph Weizenbach / 1 August 2022

The blue feathers of a bluebird are blue for a special reason!

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