Weed Pull in Elk Island National Park

Join the Friends of Elk Island Society (FEIS) on Saturday, July 8, 2023, for a weed pull in Elk Island National Park. You will be lopping off the heads of Field Scabious to help control this invasive weed as part of an ongoing effort to restore grassland habitat in the Park.
Meet at the Visitors Centre parking lot at 10 am. The event will wrap up at 2 pm.
Dress appropriately for the weather and don't forget to bring water, insect repellant, sunscreen, a hat, and work gloves. Parks staff will supply any tools and training necessary. There will be a hot dog BBQ for lunch.
Volunteers will be required to sign a volunteer form; individuals under 18 years of age will require the signature of a parent or guardian to participate.
Sunday, July 9, from 10 am - 2 pm, is the rain day backup date for the event.
This is a member only event, and you can find more information on membership here.
To find more information about this event, please visit FEIS events page.