How About Drought? Citizen Scientists in Action

Thursday, June 20 from 12 to 1:30 PM

Featuring three speakers representing non-government organizations, this webinar will highlight how citizen scientists are contributing to research on drought. The event will include 30 minute presentations from each organization, followed by a panel discussion of audience questions. The webinar will be recorded and posted to CitSci Alberta's website. Presentations:

1. Community-based groundwater monitoring in Rocky View County using a citizen-science approach and extension into the broader Bow River Basin - Dr. Masaki Hayashi (Department of Earth, Energy, and Environment, University of Calgary) and Wendell Koning (Co-chair of the Bow River Basin Council Science Committee)

2. Combining Citizen Science with Satellite Data to Monitor Changing Water Levels in Alberta’s Lakes - Grant Parkins (Lake Observations by Citizen Scientists and Satellite) is a watershed education coordinator whose work focuses on working with an international network of citizen scientists to understand lake level data using satellite imagery. He will present on this global effort to better understand how the volume of water in lakes is changing over time. This project includes 11 study sites within Alberta.