
Back to Botany Basics

By Steph Weizenbach / 30 January 2023

Alberta Native Plant Council
Tuesday, February 21 at Noon

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In My Habitat: 2022 Melissa Penney

By Steph Weizenbach / 30 January 2023

Recorded Presentation
Speaker: Melissa Penney
Host: Edmonton Nature Club

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Invasive Species of the Weaselhead

By Steph Weizenbach / 30 January 2023

Recorded Presentation
Host: Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society

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Wading Through Aquatic Projects

By Steph Weizenbach / 30 January 2023

Citizen Science Community of Practice
Wed, Mar 1 at Noon

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Great Backyard Bird Count – Q & A Webinar

By Nature Kids / 29 January 2023

Learn tips for making birdwatching easier for people of all ages
February 15, 1:00-2:00 pm

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Counting Winter Bugs with John Acorn

By Steph Weizenbach / 6 January 2023

Recorded Presentation
Host: Nature Alberta

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Back to Botany Basics

By Steph Weizenbach / 6 January 2023

Alberta Native Plant Council
Series of lunchtime webinars starting on Jan 18, 2023

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Edmonton Christmas Bird Count Results and Changes

By Nature Kids / 6 January 2023

Recorded Presentation
Host: Edmonton Nature Club

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Ecuador’s Cloud Forest Gems and Birds of the Galapagos Islands

By Nature Kids / 6 January 2023

Recorded Presentation
Speaker: Terri Susan Zurbrigg
Host: Edmonton Nature Club (Bird Studies: Travelogue)

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Owls Discovery Day

By Steph Weizenbach / 5 January 2023

Jan 22 from 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Helen Schuler Nature Centre
Lethbridge, AB

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