Christmas Bird Count

Black-capped chickadee by Jack Waller

2023 Christmas Bird Counts Across Alberta

Find your local count circle on Birds Canada's interactive map.

The Christmas Bird Count started in 1900 and is the longest running Citizen Science project in North America. Christmas Bird Counts are conducted on a single day between Dec 14 and Jan 5 within a 24 km diameter circle. Many are organized by Nature Alberta Member Clubs! Count birds in your local count circle to contribute data. Results are used to assess population and distribution trends of birds.

You can participate as a feeder watcher, from the comfort and warmth of your own home, or as a bush beater and owl prowler by coordinating efforts with others in your circle to go for a walk to count birds in the field.

Participating in the Christmas Bird Count

Connect with Your Count Coordinator

If you have additional information to add for a count circle, please email Steph at to have it added/updated.