Owls of Alberta
How many owls are found in Alberta?
Most sources state that you will find 11 species of owl in Alberta, including our very own Field Guide to Alberta Birds. However, a few extra species are well documented by biologists and eBird citizen scientists as being found in the province on more than just the odd occasion. The full list of owl species are listed below - scroll all the way to the bottom to meet all 14 species.
Great Horned Owl
Bubo virginianus
Great horned owls are common throughout Alberta all year long.
Snowy Owl
Nyctea scandiaca
The snowy owl is a winter resident in much of Alberta.
Northern Hawk Owl
Surnia ulula
Northern hawk owls are uncommon but widely distributed throughout Alberta year round.
Northern Pygmy-owl
Glaucidium gnoma
Northern pygmy-owls are uncommon breeding birds found in the southwest part of the boreal and adjacent foothills and can be found in central and southern Alberta in the winter.
Burrowing Owl
Athene cunicularia
Burrowing owls are breeding birds in southern Alberta's grasslands.
Barred Owl
Strix varia
Uncommon, barred owls are found in Alberta's sourthern boreal areas, foothills and montane forests.
Great Gray Owl
Strix nebulosa
Great gray owls are uncommon inhabitants of the northern and western parts of Alberta.
Long-eared Owl
Asio otus
Long-eared owls are locally common in central and southern Alberta.
Short-eared Owl
Asio flammeus
Short-eared owls are found throughout the grassland and parkland regions of the province.
Boreal Owl
Aegolius funereus
Uncommon, and widely distributed, boreal owls are found throughout central and northern Alberta.
Northern Saw-whet Owl
Aegolius acadicus
Northern saw-whet owls are rare in the grasslands of Alberta but common in the central part of the province.
Barn Owl
Tyto alba
The barn owl was included in Gordon Court, Species at Risk Biologist's, Owls of Alberta poster with the following information: "This species has never been recorded as a breeding bird in Alberta, but has been recorded inhabiting pole barns and other agricultural buildings as far north as Wetaskiwin and Bashaw."
Eastern Screech-owl
Megascops asio
The eastern screech-owl was included in Gordon Court, Species at Risk Biologist's, Owls of Alberta poster with the following information: "Often seen in cavities in old cottonwood trees, the species has been heard and seen in Police Point and Strathcona Island Parks within the city limits of Medicine Hat."
Western Screech-owl
Megascops kennicottii
The western screech-owl has been documented by Gerald Romanchuk, a well-known birder in the Edmonton Nature Club. There are also various recorded observations on eBird in Alberta of this species by citizen scientists, including a western screech-owl with owlets in Waterton Lakes National Park.