WNAS Casino Volunteers Needed!
Saturday, Feb 4 & Sunday, Feb 5
The Wagner Natural Area Society is looking for people to fill two slots at their casino in St. Albert on Saturday and Sunday February 4 & 5, 2023. The positions are Chip Runner, both Saturday and Sunday night (hours roughly 7:00 PM to 3:30 AM) . Chip Runner participates in game opening and closing with gaming table personnel and fills chip requests during the shift by carrying chips to the table in the company of security personnel. You will be required to verify chip requests with a handheld computer. Often the Chip Runner is not busy so bring a book, laptop or watch TV to while away the hours in the volunteer lounge. A meal at the restaurant/bar at WNAS expense is included. The Century Casino is located just off the Henday at 24 Boudreau Road, St. Albert.
The proceeds from this casino are an important source of funds to help protect the Wagner Natural Area. A couple of people prepared to be spare volunteers, if needed, on both days would also be appreciated.
Please contact the Casino Chairperson, Alan Hingston, at hingston@telusplanet.net or by calling 780-459-6389, if you are able to assist.