
This page features articles and video presentations about Alberta's birds. See our Featured Species page for information on other species.

Do all birds migrate in the fall?

9 November 2020

Not all birds seek a warmer place for the winter, learn more here!

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What are bird bands?

9 November 2020

Learn about the brightly coloured bands you see on bird’s legs!

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How can we keep birds safe?

5 November 2020

Keep cats safe and save birds lives!

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What bird has the farthest migration?

4 November 2020

Migration is something that many birds do every year! Find out who goes the farthest!!

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Bohemian Waxwings

15 January 2020


It is always a treat when a winter flock of Bohemian Waxwings suddenly descends on the cotoneaster bushes in our yard. No matter the weather, their constant trilling fills the air and they devour the berries with great flourish. Although always in constant motion, they usually allow close approach – a photographer’s delight!

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