Singing Insects of Alberta

Common singing insects found in Alberta, organized by the time in which they sing, with links to the Singing Insects of Alberta YouTube channel.

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Survival Against the Odds: Alberta’s Half-moon Hairstreak Butterfly


Waterton Lakes National Park is truly one of the most remarkable areas in all of Alberta, where natural beauty is partnered with rich and unique biological diversity. Although you would not expect it, the story of one of Alberta’s rarest insects begins here, under the late-winter snow. This is a story of unexpected alliances, remarkable specialization, and perseverance in the face of catastrophic adversity, and it all takes place on the Blakiston Fan.

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Spiders: The Misunderstood Jewels of Alberta’s Biodiversity

Alberta is home to 628 species of spiders, representing almost half of those recorded in Canada. That’s more than the number of bird species we have in the province. Despite this great diversity, you are unlikely to encounter more than a small fraction of these species because many of them are either too small, have cryptic behaviours, or live in remote habitats.

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Butterflies for Beginners

Photo Credit: Logi Aer


My experience is that once you’ve been bitten by the entomology bug, you won’t look back. A good place to start, if you are keen to expand your biodiversity horizons, is butterflies. Butterflies provide a good introduction to the world of insects for a variety of reasons. Many species are bright, colourful, and not too hard to find.

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Do You “Do Bugs”?

Photo Credit: John Acorn.


Bug appreciation is on the rise. Macro photography is easier than ever before, and there are countless places online where you can submit arthropod images for identification or appreciation by others.

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