How do bears hibernate?

9 November 2020

How do bears survive the winter? Find out more!

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Do all birds migrate in the fall?

9 November 2020

Not all birds seek a warmer place for the winter, learn more here!

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What is the difference between a cocoon and a chrysalis?

9 November 2020

Cocoon vs chrysalis: what is the difference?

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Why do roses have ‘thorns’?

9 November 2020

Why does a rose hurt when you pick it?

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What are bird bands?

9 November 2020

Learn about the brightly coloured bands you see on bird’s legs!

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Why do ladybeetles have spots?

9 November 2020

Learn why these insects have the colours they do!

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Why do skunks stink?

9 November 2020

Learn about why our furry friends smell so bad!!

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How can we keep birds safe?

5 November 2020

Keep cats safe and save birds lives!

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What bird has the farthest migration?

4 November 2020

Migration is something that many birds do every year! Find out who goes the farthest!!

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Nature Alberta's 50th Anniversary


In celebration of Nature Alberta’s 50th Anniversary year, through April 2021, Individual Nature Alberta Lifetime Memberships are only $10! Nature needs our help now more than ever — and there’s never been a better time to show your support!