Alberta’s Coal Policy Reinstated

Today’s announcement demonstrates that grassroots voices can make a real difference in ensuring that Alberta’s special places remain protected.

This is s a welcome reprieve for future development in the Eastern Slopes. We urge concerned citizens to continue to press for a full stop on exploration and development activities until public consultation is completed and appropriate protections are in place.

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Why Are Common Loon Chicks Becoming Less Common?

Loon with chick
Common loon adult with small chick. DARWIN PARK


Measuring loon productivity is also an excellent indicator of lake health. As top predators, loons are sensitive to damage at lower levels of the food chain. For example, processes that decrease the number of fish in a lake can cause food shortages, especially for young loons. Being a top predator also makes loons more vulnerable to pollutants, like acid rain and mercury.

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Alberta Parks to Remain Protected

Break out the champagne, it’s time to celebrate! Minister Nixon has rescinded the government’s plan to delist 164 parks from Alberta’s park system. He could hardly have done otherwise.

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Defend Our Parks

Blue Aster Lake and Warrior Rocky Mountain Peak, Kananaskis Country


Albertans want more of our natural heritage protected, not less.

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Can Smartphones Kill Trout?


Unlike birders, we fish lovers can seldom go to a lake or river and simply “see” a fish. To see one, we usually need to catch it. The question is: can occasional losses from catch-and-release fishing be safely ignored or are they a cause for concern?

It turns out that this question is harder to answer than one might expect.

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