Member Clubs
We are proud to support 50 grassroots nature organizations all across Alberta. No matter where you are located, or what your interests are, there's a great group for you to get involved with... check them out!
Clubs by Region
North Region
Greater Edmonton Area
Central Region
Greater Calgary Area
South Region
Provincial Clubs
Mission: The Alberta Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy (AARC) is focused on conserving and managing habitat for the reptiles and amphibians native to Alberta; to educate the general public about the value of all herptofauna, and to promote respect and enthusiasm. The vision of the Alberta Amphibian and Reptile Conservancy (AARC) is to ensure that all of Alberta’s reptiles and amphibians have abundant habitat and sustainable populations for today and tomorrow, keeping the common species common in perpetuity. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Herptiles (Amphibians and Reptiles)
Alberta Invasive Species Council's mandate is increasing awareness and educating Albertans about the destructive impacts invasive species have on the environment, economy, and society; serving as a respected source of credible information and resources on invasive species in Alberta; engaging and empowering Albertans to prevent, detect, and take action against invasive species.
Invasive Species
P.O. Box 1925
Blairmore, AB
T0K 0E0
The Alberta Lake Management Society’s purpose is to promote understanding and comprehensive management of lakes and reservoirs and their watersheds. The vision of the Alberta Lake Management Society is to educate and increase the public’s understanding of the importance of lakes and their watersheds by offering courses, seminars, conferences and meetings; collecting and disseminating information about lakes and lake management; providing occasional scholarships and bursaries for educational purposes; participate in the development of local, provincial and national programs that promote lake and watershed management and/or encourage the protection of lakes and watersheds; and provide expertise to and collaborate with other organizations, agencies, and individuals concerned with lakes, and lake and watershed conservation and improvement.
Water and Lakes
PO Box 4283
Edmonton, AB
T6E 4T3
Mission: The Alberta Lepidopterists Guild’s objective is to support and encourage the study and appreciation of Alberta Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). The vision of the Alberta Lepidopterists Guild is to educate through research projects, facilitating information exchange, and host events for Lepidoptera enthusiasts. Members are involved in a number of Lepidoptera-related projects, including publication of a provincial checklist with regular updates, conservation initiatives, and survey and inventory work. Members also curate major institutional collections at the University of Alberta and the Canadian Forest Service lab in Edmonton among many other things Lepidoptera related.
Butterflies and Moths
Mission: The Alberta Mycological Society wishes to educate Albertans about fungi through the study of the diversity and roles of fungi; providing educational programs to the public; seasonal forays into the Rocky Mountain foothills and southern boreal forest; mushroom identification workshops; annual mushroom expositions; and development of lists of fungi from various ecosystems across Alberta. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
PO Box 1921, Standard Life Building
10405 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, AB
T5J 3S2
Mission: The Alberta Native Bee Council's mission is to promote conservation of native pollinator communities through research and monitoring, advocacy, education, and collaboration with others. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
PO Box 608
Blairmore, AB, T0K 0E0
Mission: The Alberta Native Plant Council’s objectives are to educate individuals, industry, and government about native plants; to promote awareness of native plant issues through a newsletter, an annual workshop, and in the media; to co-ordinate information and activities concerning Alberta’s native plants; to develop briefs or position papers for special projects; to organize field trips and plant study groups; to update lists of current research and conservation projects; to preserve natural habitats and plant communities; to support legislation that protects native plants; to take action to establish, preserve and manage protected areas; to undertake Alberta projects jointly with groups; to encourage appropriate use of Alberta’s native plants; to produce information on the use of native plants in land reclamation; to develop and distribute collection, salvage, and management guidelines; and to update a list of native seed sources and suppliers for horticulture and reclamation.
PO Box 52099, Garneau Postal Outlet
Edmonton, AB
T6G 2T5
The Entomological Society of Alberta (ESA) encourages interest in amateur entomology in Alberta. ESA fosters the advancement, exchange, and dissemination of the knowledge of insects in relation to their importance in agriculture, horticulture, forestry, public health, industry, the environment, and for its own sake.
Mission: The Stewards of Alberta’s Protected Areas Association (SAPAA) represents steward volunteers from around the province that are responsible for the monitoring of activities in their protected area and advising the Parks Department. SAPAA’s objectives are to provide a forum for Stewards to share information and provide assistance to Protected Areas; to promote the preservation, protection and restoration of ecological integrity in Alberta’s Protected Areas; to promote the use of Protected Areas for non-intrusive educational, research and recreational activities; to ensure that Stewards’ concerns are heard by government and by the public, particularly with regard to legislation and management policies for Protected Areas.
Protected Areas
7401 156 Street
Edmonton, AB
T5R 1X4
North Region Clubs
Mission: The Boreal Avian Research & Conservation Association will enhance environmental protection and awareness, with a special emphasis on avian research and conservation, and advance education for youth and marginalized individuals through hands-on opportunities such as nest box monitoring and bird banding.
Bird Conservation
8 Gaylord Place
St. Albert, AB
T8N 0S8
Visit their website at
Mission: The Crooked Creek Conservancy Society of Athabasca is a regional land trust promoting a sustainable future for the Athabasca region of Alberta. This future requires having enough undamaged or recoverable natural areas to sustain long term economic and social well-being. That in turn requires a community that knows and enjoys nature enough to protect it.
Land Trust
PO Box 2072, Stn Main
Athabasca, AB
T9S 2B6
Elk Island Recreation Group is a subgroup of Golden Meadow Community Club. A dedicated group of volunteers has committed their support, time, equipment, and materials to restore Elk Island Park to its previous state. Their efforts convinced the M.D. of Peace No. 135 to secure a 25-year lease for the park instead of closing it. Group volunteers raise awareness of conservation and the role of the community in protecting and preserving the natural areas. They promote volunteer engagement by encouraging community participation that involve planning and executing worker bees where locals assist with park restoration activities. This is complemented with fun, family events. Elk Island Park has been the focus of several restoration and conservation efforts.
Mission: The Kimiwan Lake Naturalists strive to maintain the multiple values of Kimiwan Lake through education and interpretation, research and habitat enhancement activities. The Society operates an interpretive centre and extensive birdwalk on the south shore of the lake.
Habitat Enhancement and Bird Conservation
Mission: The Lac La Biche Birding Society works towards educating the community about local birds and natural history. The Society hosts annual Christmas and May species counts, they do work with schools and parks on leading and sharing information about birds.
Bird Watching
Mission: The Lesser Slave Lake Bird Observatory (LSLBO) is dedicated to bird conservation through research and education. This Clubs mission is to gain knowledge, understanding and appreciation of boreal birds by monitoring their populations and participating in research; to produce scientifically defensible data; to deliver education programs that foster appreciation of birds and their habitat needs; and to generate awareness/support of the LSLBO within the Lesser Slave Lake region and throughout Canada. Read more about LSLBO in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Birds and Conservation
Box 1076
Slave Lake, AB
T0G 2A0
Mission: The Peace Parkland Naturalists mission is that this Club is dedicated to increasing knowledge, interest, and enjoyment of natural history in Alberta’s Peace region. Their objectives are to learn about local natural history at monthly meetings and field trips; to explore the many special natural places around Grande Prairie and beyond; to connect with fellow naturalists through the monthly newsletter and Facebook; to count birds, track wildflowers, or monitor nest boxes as part of the citizen science programs; to support local habitat conservation initiatives. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
General Nature
Box 1451
Grande Prairie, AB
T8V 4Z2
Greater Edmonton Clubs
Mission: The Beaverhill Bird Observatory Society works to promote the conservation of Canada’s natural heritage through engagement in education, research, and community activities that foster knowledge and appreciation of natural history in Alberta, with a special emphasis on migratory bird species of the Beaverhill Lake area. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Birds and Conservation
PO Box 1418
Edmonton, AB
T5J 2N5
Mission: The Big Lake Environment Support Society’s (BLESS) major objective is the conservation of the Big Lake wetlands, through advocacy, public education, stewardship of the Big Lake Natural Area and data collection programs.
Protected Area Conservation
PO Box 65053
St. Albert, AB
T8N 5Y3
Mission - The Edmonton Native Plant Society promotes the appreciation and use of local plants native to the greater Edmonton area through education, propagation, expertise, consultation and advocacy. The Society takes part in a number of projects, in cooperation with the appropriate municipal authorities, which aim to enrich the natural flora of various parks and natural areas.
Mission: The Edmonton Nature Club’s objectives are to develop an awareness of and encourage an interest in the natural environment among its members and the community through meetings, talks, workshops, study groups, field trips, and publications; to encourage the study of the natural environment among its members and the community by undertaking or supporting research and education projects; to promote the establishment and maintenance of natural areas and nature reserves, conserve and protect species, communities and other natural features of interest, by study, investigation or management; to co-operate and collaborate with groups having objectives similar to those of the Edmonton Nature Club in order to promote the exchange of information and to encourage the representation of the Edmonton Nature Club’s views; and to promote the preservation of the environment through support of natural history study groups and counts as well as materials for educational outreach programs within the Edmonton region and the province of Alberta. Read more about ENC in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
General Nature
Box 1111
Edmonton, AB
T5J 2M1
Edmonton River Valley Conservation Coalition works collaboratively to engage in knowledge sharing, advocacy, and stewardship using systems thinking that acknowledges the inextricable links between the ecology, culture, history, and spirit of the North Saskatchewan River watershed. ERVCC envisions kisiskâciwani sipiy will be restored and protected as a life-giving corridor from the headwaters in the Columbia Icefields to the mouth at Hudson Bay through relationships of respect, reciprocity, and care.
Mission: The Fort Saskatchewan Naturalist Society is here to help promote the enjoyment and understanding of nature and to serve as stewards of the environment.
The FSNS are a small members group who are natural area stewards with Helen Trefry for Parkland Natural Area near Lindbrook, AB. We organize and compile a Fort Saskatchewan Audubon Christmas Bird Count in December and hold infrequent local trips to sites of natural interest and share knowledge concerning flora, fauna and fungi. Meetings are held from September until May on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm at the Fort Saskatchewan Public Library (quiet/study room)
General Nature
Mission: The Friends of Blackfoot Society’s objectives are to promote, protect and interpret the Cooking lake Provincial Recreation Area (PRA) through production or distribution of interpretive publications and materials; by supporting and/or sponsoring special events; to provide volunteer service in the PRA; to initiate new projects or educational opportunities; to host the Heritage Interpretive Centre; to provide public open houses; to liaise between the public and Parks staff; to serve as an umbrella organization representing interests of Cooking Lake Provincial Recreation Area users.
Protected Area Conservation
Visit their website at
The Friends of Elk Island Society (FEIS) is a non-profit, charitable organization started in 1984. We cooperate with Parks Canada to promote understanding, appreciation and respect for Elk Island National Park, and the larger landscape in which Elk Island is embedded – the Beaver Hills Biosphere. Elk Island National Park is only one component of the larger ecosystem, and it is important to appreciate and understand this landscape if we are to conserve and promote the Park.
The Friends of Elk Island Society promotes and delivers conservation activities, science-based research, and recreational and educational events, and raises and administers funds to further the objectives of the Society.
Protected Area Conservation
PO Box 38054 Capilano
Edmonton, AB
T6A 3Y6
The Leduc Wildlife Conservation Society preserves wildlife and natural areas through science, conservation action, education and encourages people to value nature.
Mission: Riverlot 56 Natural Area Society is a group of volunteer stewards who lease and manage Sturgeon County’s Riverlot 56 near St Albert. This area is a protected area for environmental, educational and recreational purposes.
Protected Area Conservation
Sturgeon Road and Poundmaker Rd
St. Albert, AB
Mission: The Wagner Natural Area Society’s mission is to protect and manage the physical and biological integrity of Wagner Natural Area. This Society is part of the Alberta Government’s Volunteer Stewards program who work in parks and protected areas to monitor conditions and alert the government department to concerns about management. The Stewards endeavour to raise the public’s consciousness and commitment to conservation and the protected areas program; to encourage the public to participate in site management and operation; and to foster communication between the Stewards, the public, the local governments, and Alberta Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Protected Area Conservation
Mission: The Wizard Lake Watershed and Lake Stewardship Association’s goal is to enhance and protect the sustainability and enjoyment of Wizard Lake for the benefit of all users and watershed inhabitants and they wish to improve or maintain water quality of Wizard Lake; to promote a safe environment for recreational use; to recruit, maintain and recognize the importance of the volunteer base and celebrate successes; to educate watershed residents and lake users about individual stewardship and sustainable practices regarding environmental, wildlife and aquatic conservation; to encourage responsible land use that is compatible with the sustainability of Wizard Lake; to sustain a healthy aquatic and wildlife environment; to reduce pollution from herbicides, pesticides, manure, sewage, and other contaminants; to promote a healthy shoreline; to build good relationships with all jurisdictional bodies; to build community with residents and users to work toward common interests. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Lake Stewardship
RR 4, Site 2, Comp 50
Calmar, AB
T0C 0V0
Central Alberta Clubs
The mission of the Alix Nature Trail Society (ANTS) is to protect, preserve and promote the Alix Lake Nature Trail as a valued experience for hikers, cyclists, and all outdoor enthusiasts.
General Nature
PO Box 23
Alix, AB
T0C 0B0
Mission: The Buffalo Lake Nature Club’s objectives are to encourage local Albertans to increase their knowledge and appreciation of natural history; to work towards conservation of natural areas and native species of animal and plant life; to help prevent misuse of our natural resources; and to promote the study of natural history through varied channels of communication, field trips, outdoor activities and inventories. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
General Nature
Box 1802
Stettler, AB
T0C 2L0
The Camrose Wildlife Stewardship Society (CWSS) seeks to raise awareness, knowledge, and support for abundant wildlife and sustainable greenspaces in Camrose, and to emphasize the importance of these features as contributors to quality of life in the community. The CWSS offers an annual Purple Martin Festival in mid to late June, coordinates a nature-based education program (in partnership with the city of Camrose), and supports stewardship projects, scientific research, and sustainable greenspace planning and management. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Mission: The Ellis Nature Centre objectives are to operate and maintain a selective bird conservation program designed primarily to encourage the nesting and propagation of Mountain Bluebirds and Tree Swallows; to operate and maintain a bird farm including a winter bird feeding program; to sponsor and/or conduct scientific studies relative to the ecology of these two principle bird species; to develop materials for education programs relating to bird conservation, the preservation and development of both natural and man-made habitats, and the benefits accruing to mankind from such activities and to carry these programs forward to young people and adults.
Bird Conservation
Box 5090
Lacombe, AB
T4L 1W7
The Friends of Jasper National Park is a charitable non-profit organization that encourages stewardship and connects people to Jasper National Park through educational programs, projects and volunteer opportunities.
Conservation and Education
500 Connaught Drive
Jasper, AB
T0E 1E0
Mission: The JJ Collett Natural Area Foundation was established as a provincial volunteer steward group to help preserve, maintain and provide environmental education for the JJ Collett Provincial Natural Area. The Foundation has developed and provides yearly Grade 6 Environment Education Programs and holds guided walks in the spring and fall and when available a rehabilitated bird from the Medicine River Wildlife Center is released in the area. Read more about JJCNAF in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Protected Area Conservation
RR4, Site 5, Box 40
Lacombe, AB
T4L 2N4
Mission: The Red Deer River Naturalists objectives are to encourage Central Albertans to increase their knowledge, understanding and appreciation of natural history; to work towards conservation of natural areas and of species native to Central Alberta; to help prevent abuse of natural resources; to work with nature clubs within Nature Alberta, and with other organizations having similar objectives, towards greater understanding, enjoyment and conservation of the natural heritage of Alberta; to promote the study of natural history through varied channels of communication, field trips, and outdoor activities; to co-operate with groups having related interested to promote the exchange of information, and to encourage the representation of the Society’s views at local, provincial, national, and international levels as appropriate; to acquire lands, by purchase or otherwise, for the purposes of preserving natural features and pursuing the objectives of the Society. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
General Nature
Box 785
Red Deer, AB
T4N 5H2
Vermillion River Naturalists Society is dedicated to enjoying nature in and around Vermillion. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
The Wainwright Wildlife Society achieves conservation through education. Their objectives are to communicate the wildlife conservation activities at and near Wainwright to the public; to promote tourism in Wainwright by providing opportunities for the travelling public to enjoy wildlife; and to educate the children and adults of Wainwright and vicinity about wildlife conservation in east-central Alberta. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Mission: To provide fun and educational nature-based recreational opportunities for the community of Camrose and immediate area.
Greater Calgary Clubs
Mission: The Bighill Creek Preservation Society’s mission is to ensure the natural and historical values of Bighill Creek Watershed are preserved for this and future generations. A group of local residents who recognise that unrelenting development and population pressure from the town of Cochrane and surrounding County have the potential to significantly erode the many beneficial attributes of the watershed.
Watershed Stewardship
Bragg Creek Wild is a local grassroots organization committed to improving the conditions for wildlife and people to live in community. They envision a safe and sustainable environment where wildlife and humans co-exist. Their mission is to advocate for the protection of wildlife and their habitats by preserving connectivity, promoting safe wildlife routes and providing public education to reduce human-wildlife conflict.
Mission: The Calgary Area Nestbox Monitors Society comprises of over 70 nestbox monitoring teams who monitor over 5000 nestboxes (as of 2019). Their area extends from Nanton to Olds and beyond west of the #2 Highway with some boxes east of the #2. This Clubs works to monitor nestboxes in the Calgary Area as a citizen science project to keep track of the hatching and fledging rates of mountain bluebirds and tree swallows and to band mountain bluebirds and tree swallows to keep track of longevity and local and long-distance recoveries. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Member Club article.
Bird Conservation
Mission: The Calgary Bird Banding Society (CBBS)’s objectives are to quantify long-term population trends of Neotropical migratory birds using constant effort mist-netting; to promote involvement and expertise in bird banding; to promote conservation of Neotropical migratory birds by fostering public awareness and understanding of Neotropical migratory birds. The primary project of the CBBS is monitoring of migratory birds at Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, a federal Migratory Bird Sanctuary.
Bird Conservation
PO Box 36111
Lakeview Post Office
Calgary, AB
T3E 7C6
Mission: The Cochrane Environmental Action Committee’s mission is to work towards making Cochrane and area residents a more environmentally aware and active community. The objectives of this Committee are to enhance awareness and educate about our inter-relationships with the natural world and the impact of our lifestyle choices on the health of the community and the Earth’s ecosystems; to identify and undertake the projects that encourage environmental responsibility and a sense of community; to increase our effectiveness through partnerships and cooperation within local and global communities; to encourage participation and foster hope in the challenge of ensuring an environmentally sustainable future.
Environmental Education
104 Griffin Road E
Cochrane, AB
T4C 2B9
Mission: Nature Calgary encourages the appreciation, observation, study, conservation and protection of the natural world in and around Calgary. This Club is comprised of a group of naturalists dedicated to preserving many of the natural areas that Calgarians enjoy. Their mission is to preserve, educate about and appreciate the natural world.
General Nature
Box 981 Stn. M
Calgary, AB
T2P 2K4
Mission: The Weaselhead/Glenmore Park Preservation Society’s goal is to protect and maintain the rich biodiversity of the Weaselhead/Glenmore area for the benefit and enjoyment of everyone in Calgary, now and into the future. The Society wants all Calgarians to understand the importance of natural landscapes in sustaining life, and to be engaged in their protection and preservation. It works to preserve, protect, and restore naturally functioning ecosystems within the Weaselhead Natural Environment Park; to advance the education of the public in conservation and environmental stewardship; to provide education field trips for schools and community-based organisations.
Protected Area Conservation
PO Box 36032 Lakeview PO
Calgary, AB
T3E 7C6
Mission: The Crowsnest Conservation Society envisions and works towards a Crowsnest Pass where the society and community partners work together to ensure a healthy future for the natural environment and the people who live in it; where wildlife can live and move within a healthy landscape; where a range of recreational activities coexist with users and wildlife in a respectful and sustainable manner; where private and public decisions about land development are made with the long term needs of wildlife and sustainable community as key factors; where people celebrate our rich unique natural heritage.
Conservation and Education
PO Box 242
Crowsnest Pass, AB
T0K 0E0
Mission: The Friends of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre Society supports Lethbridge's Nature Centre to foster a community of environmentally responsible citizens through interactive nature-based experiences. Their desire is to further position the Helen Schuler Nature Centre as a world-class facility that connects visitors and residents to the many benefits of the great outdoors. They facilitate interactive experiences and memorable moments by supporting the Nature Centre's growth in our community through: Environmental education programs and special projects; Enhancement of the resources of the Helen Schuler Nature Centre; Fostering the importance of nature! Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
Environmental Education
Mission: Nature Lethbridge’s goal is to provide enhanced nature appreciation opportunities and understanding for members and the general public by bringing in guest speakers to the monthly meetings to give presentations on research, field work, and trips that are applicable; through annual field trips to appreciate/understand birding, flora and fauna, land use challenges, watershed and landscape dynamics; through participation in citizen science projects such as annual Christmas Bird Counts, Great Backyard Bird Counts (GBBC), Nest Watch, Journey North, as Members and leaders of these events in Lethbridge and surrounding communities; through advocating for improved nature-enhanced opportunities and improvements within Lethbridge and surrounding communities.
General Nature
Mission: The Grasslands Naturalists Society's objectives are to encourage study and protection of the natural world; to provide educational opportunities such as lectures, field trips and publications; to encourage the preservation of natural habitat and aesthetic natural features; to assist in the collection and provision of records of species for statistical and educational purposes; and to act as stewards of the environment. Read more in our Nature Alberta Magazine Meet a Member Club article.
General Nature
Box 2491
Medicine Hat, AB
T1A 8G8
Meet a Member Club
Bragg Creek Wild
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Winter 2025
Big Lake Environmental Support Society
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Fall 2024
Vermilion River Naturalist Society
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Spring 2024
Camrose Wildlife Stewardship Society
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Spring 2024
Wizard Lake Watershed and Lake Stewardship Association
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Winter 2024
Calgary Area Nestbox Monitors Society
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Fall 2023
Buffalo Lake Nature Club
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Summer 2023
Wainwright Wildlife Society
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Spring 2023
Alberta Native Bee Council
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Winter 2023
Edmonton Nature Club
Meet a Member Club
Nature Alberta Magazine Fall 2022