
2021 Tweets in the Trees

By Steph Weizenbach / 14 July 2021

Family Nature Night
Tues, Aug 10 at 6 PM

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2021 Beautiful Bugs

By Steph Weizenbach / 10 July 2021

Family Nature Night
Wed, Aug 11 at 6 PM

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2021 Wild & Wet

By Steph Weizenbach / 9 July 2021

Family Nature Night
Wed, Aug 18 at 6 PM

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Swift Fox by Gordon Court

The Swift Fox: A Canadian Conservation Success Story

By Steph Weizenbach / 22 April 2021


The swift fox reintroduction program successfully brought the fastest member of the wild dog family’s population from Extirpated to Endangered, and finally to Threatened. Although it began with an illegal publicity stunt by a game farm, structured efforts soon followed. Habitat conservation continues to be a key issue for swift fox populations.

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web illuminated by dew drops in the morning sun

Are spiders born knowing how to build a web?

By Steph Weizenbach / 21 April 2021

Spider webs are amazing. Do spiders just know how to build them? Or are they taught how to spin webs?

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Beaver - T. LePrieur

Where Beavers Go, Surprises Follow

By Steph Weizenbach / 21 April 2021


It’s an usually warm day in January and my snowshoes are only partially necessary on the frozen ponds that aid my route through the Ministik Game Bird Sanctuary. As I rest against a beaver lodge to have my tea, I realize that after all these years, there is still so much more to learn about these rodents, which can engineer entire landscapes unlike any other mammal, other than humans.

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Swift Fox

Why are they called a SWIFT fox?

By Steph Weizenbach / 21 April 2021

Are swift foxes really swift?

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wild flowers in the grasslands with mountains in the background, typical of the Waterton Biosphere Reserve

My BIG Alberta Backyard – Waterton Biosphere Reserve

By Steph Weizenbach / 21 April 2021

The Waterton Biosphere Reserve is located in southwestern Alberta, where the prairies meet the Rocky Mountains. Find out what a biosphere reserve is and what type of wildlife you will find in Waterton!

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Tiger Salamander juvenile

Tiger Salamanders

By Steph Weizenbach / 21 April 2021


I was seven years old when I first saw Alberta’s elusive tiger salamander. Nearly six inches long and smooth, I can still remember its richly colored body: black stripes and splotches contrasted against olive green.

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Using iNaturalist on a smartphone to identify a plant

The Rise of Citizen Scientists

By Steph Weizenbach / 20 April 2021


Today, nearly everyone is equipped with the tools to make citizen science observations — even if they do not know a thing about plants or animals! Apps such as iNaturalist use artificial intelligence to help users immediately identify the subjects of photos taken with their smartphone cameras.

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